Punting to each other

Driving back shirtless from Kerrville-Schreiner Park, where I’d rented a stand-up paddleboard for an hour from Kerrville Kayak and Canoe ($10 + $4 for park entrance), I had turned up Washington off Main Street and vehicle-sauntered past FBC-Kerrville.

I looked left and there, in a wide open parking lot, which hours earlier must have held two hundred cars, there were a pair of 10-year-old boys punting a nerf football to each other. One got it as high as the tall lamppost that would illuminate the lot during darker winter hours.

How cool, I thought.

I considered the month (March) and realized that what they call “two-a-days” here–witness the Permian Panthers (think: “Friday Night Lights”)–is still half a semester and many swimming hole trips away.

But in Texas, it’s apparently never too soon, nor is one ever too young, to start thinking football.

And this parking lot is not experiencing “unused capacity.”

Instead of spending their Sunday afternoon holding on to plastic controllers and staring at a blinking rectangle, two young bucks are telling each other which down they’re on and how many yards to go for a first.

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